Oh god I hate so much to hear talented writers like both of you talking about the constraints of "what's allowed." Allowed by whom is my immediate response? Is the problem that you're "not allowed" to write in certain ways, or that the paid publishing landscape is shrinking so quickly, that we're all trying to grab scraps of a disappearing industry?
My touchstones were always Patience Gray, Laurie Colwin, and MFK Fisher -- I mean, I did get included in Best American Food Writing in 2010, but I wasn't paid for the piece (linked here: https://charlottemcguinnfreeman.com/books/). I've never found a way to make any actual $$ off any of the writing I most love. Which is heartbreaking. And appalling. And makes me even more angry for talented younger writers like the both of you ...
My own inability to navigate the gatekeepers means I've always had to make a living other ways. The only maybe-encouragement I can offer is that food writing wasn't always what it is now, none of these "rules" are cast in stone -- you all pushing in new directions will shift it. I know you will.
Thank you for this essay! I’m taking a class soon on food, life, and literature, and I’ve been thinking a lot about these very demarcations between non-fiction food writing and literature. What you wrote (for today, for previous pieces) is really helping me work through differences, but maybe more importantly the gray areas between these categories!
Thanks for this birds-eye view of the food writing landscape. I have to echo the sentiment about underestimating the audience--It is good to have an alternative to the hyper-accelerated content we're surrounded by.
Absolutely loved loved loved this. I learned a lot about food and its writings -- the food writing standard(s) and its ‘straightjacket’ (Charlotte), with ‘no joy in it’ (Alicia) -- and well, ‘food writing’ is something I confess I do not know very well at all. But there is so much great stuff here about *writing* -- and coming from folks who I think are truly exceptional at *writing* (it is the main reason I am a subscriber here), this was really quite special.
Oh god I hate so much to hear talented writers like both of you talking about the constraints of "what's allowed." Allowed by whom is my immediate response? Is the problem that you're "not allowed" to write in certain ways, or that the paid publishing landscape is shrinking so quickly, that we're all trying to grab scraps of a disappearing industry?
My touchstones were always Patience Gray, Laurie Colwin, and MFK Fisher -- I mean, I did get included in Best American Food Writing in 2010, but I wasn't paid for the piece (linked here: https://charlottemcguinnfreeman.com/books/). I've never found a way to make any actual $$ off any of the writing I most love. Which is heartbreaking. And appalling. And makes me even more angry for talented younger writers like the both of you ...
Allowed by the editors we work with. We are obviously lucky to make our livings writing about food but it’s rarely creatively fulfilling.
It makes me so angry for you both.
My own inability to navigate the gatekeepers means I've always had to make a living other ways. The only maybe-encouragement I can offer is that food writing wasn't always what it is now, none of these "rules" are cast in stone -- you all pushing in new directions will shift it. I know you will.
Thank you for this essay! I’m taking a class soon on food, life, and literature, and I’ve been thinking a lot about these very demarcations between non-fiction food writing and literature. What you wrote (for today, for previous pieces) is really helping me work through differences, but maybe more importantly the gray areas between these categories!
Thanks for this birds-eye view of the food writing landscape. I have to echo the sentiment about underestimating the audience--It is good to have an alternative to the hyper-accelerated content we're surrounded by.
Thank you for writing about this-- felt like loosening a collar before actually enjoying a meal. Loved the interview.
Wow! You are the second writer in the past 24 hours to recommend Cain’s “A Horse at Night”. Must get a copy!
Absolutely loved loved loved this. I learned a lot about food and its writings -- the food writing standard(s) and its ‘straightjacket’ (Charlotte), with ‘no joy in it’ (Alicia) -- and well, ‘food writing’ is something I confess I do not know very well at all. But there is so much great stuff here about *writing* -- and coming from folks who I think are truly exceptional at *writing* (it is the main reason I am a subscriber here), this was really quite special.
thank yoooou 🥲
This right here is why I subscribe!