This article, especially the bit about being intentional in the kitchen and using all scraps, reminded me of Tamar Adler's An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace. That book changed how I view the items in my kitchen and the role a discarded onion skin or carrot peel can play in the ongoing adventure of my kitchen. Your new direction in writing is super exciting, and I look forward to it.
I am genuinely excited to read this. I get so much from your writing, and this is exactly what I love to hear about - the way food, cooking, eating comes into real, daily life.
I wholeheartedly applaud your decision and already know I will appreciate the planned change from straight recipes to “cooking and baking musings” in your weekly cooking supplement. A confession: I never particularly wanted to receive the Friday recipes, but I did want to honor your writing and the pleasure it gives me by (finally) signing up for a paid subscription.
I appreciate this so much. I have folks who make stuff religiously, which is so nice, but I also know a lot of folks will get more out of wider approach.
Lovely idea! I do not bake often so I can rarely utilize all the hard work you put into those recipes, but I immediately made oven fries (so good!) and I used the 'weekday meals' piece recently for inspiration as well.
Magic out of monotony! It’s a beautiful way to express how the kitchen can be a place of wonder.
This article, especially the bit about being intentional in the kitchen and using all scraps, reminded me of Tamar Adler's An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace. That book changed how I view the items in my kitchen and the role a discarded onion skin or carrot peel can play in the ongoing adventure of my kitchen. Your new direction in writing is super exciting, and I look forward to it.
love that book! big influence
yes please! love this & looking forward to more
I am genuinely excited to read this. I get so much from your writing, and this is exactly what I love to hear about - the way food, cooking, eating comes into real, daily life.
Beet surrender
I wholeheartedly applaud your decision and already know I will appreciate the planned change from straight recipes to “cooking and baking musings” in your weekly cooking supplement. A confession: I never particularly wanted to receive the Friday recipes, but I did want to honor your writing and the pleasure it gives me by (finally) signing up for a paid subscription.
I appreciate this so much. I have folks who make stuff religiously, which is so nice, but I also know a lot of folks will get more out of wider approach.
Very much looking forward to this shift!
Lovely idea! I do not bake often so I can rarely utilize all the hard work you put into those recipes, but I immediately made oven fries (so good!) and I used the 'weekday meals' piece recently for inspiration as well.
looking forward to this! love reading about what other people do in there kitchen, even when there isn't a recipe involved :)
your thinking here makes perfect sense, will enable much more Alicia!
I’m glad you and Benny enjoyed the heart beet.
I just subscribed after realizing Alicia is no longer on Twitter! I hope wit is incorporated into her publications.
Ha! Thank you—I will try.
"...but the kitchen is redundant, isn't it?" -- yes! looking forward to following along.
Yes! 🙌🏽
Love this shift!